Zetwerk is one of the largest Original Design Manufacturers (ODM) of consumer electronics components across the globe. We bring over 150 years of combined experience to deliver world-class electronics manufacturing solutions across industries. Today, components manufactured by Zetwerk go into some of the most popular electronic goods used by consumers across the world.

We have three specialized divisions – Smile, Zettown, and Winsharp – offering unparalleled design and production capabilities across industries. From cutting-edge original design and meticulous procurement to precision assembly, rigorous testing, and seamless integration, we’ve got you covered every step of the way.

Our global footprint, featuring 9 state-of-the-art facilities strategically located across multiple geographies, enables us to serve diverse markets with unparalleled efficiency.

But what truly sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to quality. We’re proud to be Six Sigma certified, boasting customer return rates as low as an industry-leading 30 parts per million. This dedication to excellence is a testament to our reliability and has earned us the trust of global giants like Samsung, Acer, and Nokia, who rely on us as an approved vendor for their critical components.